Mondo Elite Invitational (JDL)
Entries are based on “verified” top marks.
Saturday 2/1
JDL Fast Track
2505 Empire Dr
Winston-Salem, NC, 27103
Apple Maps | Google Maps
Spectator Admission = $8 Adults, $5 Students, Free Under 12
Athletes admitted free with Team wristbands.
This is an Elite Meet. The competition field sizes are locked. Several of the top Leesville Road performances for Indoor Track & Field were submitted, and a list of acceptances is shown below (many performance marks did not make the field cuts). This is the most competitive single-day meet in North Carolina.
Athletes: enter through the back door of the JDL meet facility.
Spectators: enter through the front door of the JDL meet facility.
Parking: the JDL parking lot is limited in size. Overflow parking available on side streets around facility