Welcome to Leesville Road Track & Field!!!

Indoor Track & Field Tryouts Status:
Roster selections have been posted for Pole Vault, Throws, and Distance/Mid-Distance.
Sprints & Jumps Roster selections are being worked, and assessments are still in process.
Make-up Tryouts on Distance/Mid-Distance will be on 11/13.
Boys Cleared List and Roster Assignments:
Girls Cleared List and Roster Assignments: https://leesvillexctf.com/girls-indoor-track-field-cleared-list/

For the week of 11/13:

  • Pole Vault Schedule, Coach Beck will communicate this with PV squad.
  • Throws Schedule, Coach Cobin will communicate this with Throws squad.
  • Distance & Mid-Distance Schedule, Coach Gamble posts weekly:
  • Sprints & Jumps, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 2:45pm-4:45pm.
    • A Recovery day may be added in place of a practice.
  • Make-up Tryouts will be set up based on availability of coaches, team schedules.
  • Athletes in other Winter Sport Tryouts or Fall Sports Post-Season will make arrangements/exceptions with coaches.

All Tryout assessments will end by 11/15.
Rosters will be locked on 11/16.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to coach.gamble@icloud.com