Governor’s Classic Meet (JDL)
CAP6 & SWAC Conferences
Friday 1/24
JDL Fast Track
2505 Empire Dr
Winston-Salem, NC, 27103

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*** Meet Start is 4:30pm ***

Minibus availability, leaving at 1:30pm, meet by Track.

Spectator Admission = $8 Adults, $5 Students, Free Under 12
Athletes admitted free with Team wristbands.

Live Results

Entry Limits = 3 per event maximum (3 Boys, 3 Girls)
…. 3200m 2 per event, field capped at 20 Boys, 20 Girls

Athletes: enter through the back door of the JDL meet facility.
Spectators: enter through the front door of the JDL meet facility.
Parking: the JDL parking limited is limited in size. Overflow parking available on side streets around facility.