Welcome to Leesville Road Track & Field!!! We are currently wrapping up Indoor Track & Field, ending with State Championship on 2/9. The Spring sports season officially begins on 2/14; however, we will begin with new athletes on 2/21. Returning athletes may be doing training between 2/14-2/20; however, new athletes will begin on 2/21.

ALL athletes trying out for Outdoor Track & Field must meet the following:
(1) Be registered in Dragonfly with Outdoor Track & Field by 2/7.
(2) Have Dragonfly to 100% “Green” status (CLEARED) by 2/20.

To help with this process, I have web pages set up as follows:
– Dragonfly, what it is, how to get registered: https://leesvillexctf.com/dragonfly/
– Women’s CLEARED list: https://leesvillexctf.com/girls-outdoor-track-field-cleared-list/
– Men’s CLEARED list: https://leesvillexctf.com/boys-outdoor-track-field-cleared-list/
– Tryouts Information: https://leesvillexctf.com/tryouts-outdoor-track-field/

Oudoor Track & Field Tryout & Startup Schedule (as of 2/4):

  • New Athletes & Athletes who did not compete in Indoor Track & Field:
    • Tryouts on 2/21 (Wednesday) & 2/22 (Thursday)
    • Time Trials and Skills Assessments on 2/21 & 2/22
    • Roster Assignments on 2/23
    • Team practice on 2/23
    • Field Event Assignments will be limited roster sizes.
  • Returning Athletes (those who competed in Indoor Track & Field):
    • There may be squad training with your current coaches 2/14-2/20 (TBD).
    • Plan on participating in assessments on 2/21 & 2/22.
  • Make-up Tryouts will need to be arranged with either Coach Gamble or Coach Tanferno.
  • Boys Cleared List and Roster Assignments: https://leesvillexctf.com/boys-indoor-track-field-cleared-list/
  • Girls Cleared List and Roster Assignments: https://leesvillexctf.com/girls-indoor-track-field-cleared-list/

All Tryout assessments will end by 2/26.
Rosters will be locked on 2/29.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to coach.gamble@icloud.com